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Customization Quote Request

We appreciate your interest in KandiSparklez for your project.

Our team processes customization orders in the order they are received.


To begin, we require a deposit at the time of submission, which will be applied towards your final cost.


Please allow us 5-10 business days to provide you with the customization cost.


Kindly note that shipping costs are not included, and if you need to send us your item, you'll be responsible for the shipping expenses.


To ensure the safe arrival of your item, we encourage you to use a trusted shipping method.


In case of any lost or damaged items during shipping, the sender is solely responsible.


Our schedule is currently booked 5-6 months in advance, so we kindly ask you to plan accordingly.


We'll need to review items made of Leather, Suede, Silicone, or Rubber before providing you with a final cost.


We appreciate your consideration of KandiSparklez for your project, and we look forward to collaborating with you.


Customization Options

At KandiSparklez, we offer two customization options to our customers.


If you already have a clear idea of what you want, then our email option is perfect for you.


You can simply fill out the form with your customization ideas, and we will email you the price quote.


However, if you are uncertain about the customization options, then our video consultation service is the right choice for you.


Our experts will provide you with a video consultation for up to 30 minutes, helping you to decide on the best customization options for your requirements.


Please note that your deposit will be applied towards your final cost.

Select One Form Option Below, Complete Form, and
Submit Payment.

Email Customization
Order Form

Deposit $24.99, due upon

submission of form.


Upload Photos
Upload File

Thanks for your order!

Video Consultation
Order Form

Deposit $39.99, due upon submission of form


Upload Photos
Upload File

Thanks for your order!

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